A very fine French Charles X period mantel clock after Thomire and almost certainly from the Thomire workshops. A popular model known as " The Bubble Blowers" it is a conceit on the fickleness and transience of time. Superbly modelled figure of a child blowing bubbles. Fabulous casting and finishing and the finest original fire or mercury gilding on bronze, typical of Thomire. Also an fine and unusual dial with inset porcelain chapters and hidden winding holes. Replaced bubbles but otherwise entirely original. To the edges of the clockhousing where one finds columns the artist has used quivers of arrows ( a trophy of love) and there are fine applied gilded bronze mounts to the base. 18.5 Inches High by11" long and 5" Deep
Stock Number: 3573
Origin: France
Price: £3,950
Availability: In Stock
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