A Supreme high-Palais Royal musical double inkwell, modeled as an early Venetian gondola,
Circa 1825,
Celebrating a touch of Italy...
When wound and start/top pull actuated, the lengthy single musical air rings out from the sought-after 'fat' cylinder movement, serial number 003, with single-section comb and gilt cast bedplate, fitted within the extravagant yet fine Palais Royale case modeled as a wide gondola, with open inkwell baskets of tri-tier pierced bodies, oval polished gilt mounts, central rectangular movement panel with top-wind spindle access, chased boss frieze roundel with flower crowns, sunflower, trumpet and diamond repeating frieze b order framing the acquisitively tooled mother-of-pearl inset panel with secondary roundel with matching tooling, flanked by further demi-lune form mother-of-pearl tooled panels to the same flowering stems set beneath the inkwells, the case finished with twin quill holders at head and cap of the vassal, figurehead modeled as a Roman centurion with large hairy paw foot terminal, open fret gallery of astrigal design above chased floral and ribbon swag crests in alternating position continuing around the side, raised on double serpent-tail scrolls with rosehead boss centres.
9.1/4in. wide, 3.3/4in. deep, 3.3/8in. high - (23.5 x 9.5 x 8.6cm)
Point of interest -
Palais Royal pieces are instantly recognisable for their show of finely very richly manufactured gilt metal and mother-of-pearl, sometimes but not always decorated. More novelty pieces such as this gondola still appeal to those who want something different, whilst still retaining the element of usefulness instilled by all Palais Royal pieces.
This would most likely be used on a dual or partners desk, hence the opposing quill holders and faint traces of black ink seen in the locations of the holders and inkwell baskets.
Workmanship qualities in Palais Royal do not change - they are superb. They were, afterall, made for one of the greatest palaces on earth.
Stock Number: 5877
Price: SOLD
Availability: SOLD
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